22 November 2015

^*MAGIC WOK*^ - Waverley Terrace, Douglas, Isle of Man.

Location on Google Maps here
Most exotic/unusual dish = No.S18 - Malaysian Style Hot Sambal King Prawn - £7.40
A new, colour menu replaced the rather drab one above in 2018:-
The new most exotic/unusual dish = No.80 - Stuffed Duck with Prawn Meat in White Crab Meat Sauce - £15.00 (most expensive dish I've seen on a takeaway menu)

^*MANDARIN EXPRESS*^ - Broadway, Douglas, Isle of Man.

Location on Google Maps here
Night view below
Name taken from the Government Official
Most exotic/unusual dish = No. 165 - Scallops with Crabmeat on a Bed of Vegetables - £7.00